The Missing Chapter (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this blog I talked about how forgiving others benefits you. There is another dimension to forgiveness. There is a spiritual dimension. It is profound and mysterious. My decision to forgive,

Welcome to the New Site

If you are a first-time visitor welcome!  If you linked here from the old site, welcome back! You may be wondering, why we’ve move to a new website?  The main reason is

It Truly Is Inside Out

In 1989 Steven Covey published his highly acclaimed book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People[1], Over 10 million copies have been sold to date. In his book Covey outlines consistent behaviors

The Missing Chapter (Part 1)

When we finished writing When It’s All Her Fault I had a nagging feeling that something important was forgotten.  We reviewed the chapters, revisited my journey and the time we felt it

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