Category Archives: General

The Island

The waves were usually gentle, with only an occasional tempest.  The smell of flowers and fruit trees teased the senses and invited you to come further in and find their source.  The

Need More Balance in Your Life? Maybe Not.

I’ve said it.  I’ve heard others say it.  You have probably said it too.  When the demands and pressures of life overwhelm me, I cry out, “I need more balance in my

The Cabin In The Woods (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this blog I talked about the view of God presented in the movie The Cabin In The Woods.  I left you with three questions: What do you believe

The Cabin In The Woods (Spoiler Alert)

Recently our family sat down to watch the movie, The Cabin In The Woods.  As a rule I don’t like slasher movies.  Generally they are all fear, blood and gore and absolutely

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